Sunday, July 17, 2011

Tribute to Unsolved Mysteries: Is this poison ivy?

In the past, poison ivy type rashes have been experienced by myself and others after visiting my cottage. Over time I began to fear certain plants and stayed away from them. I got less rashes. Here are some of the plants I would stay away from. If anyone knows what they are (poison ivy or otherwise), I'd be happy to know.
Here is the first suspect. Three pointy leaves on a vine, close to water.

Here is another view of the plant along with an additionally sinister looking fellow below him and to his right:

If you or anyone you know has any information regarding either of these two plants please contact me by commenting. Perhaps you can help solve a mystery. (PS: Robert Stack was awesomer in Airplane)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tribute to One Flew Over the Coocoo's Nest.

I could have made it less subtle, but I wanted to keep the focus on the product.

This movie is why "they call me chief". If you haven't seen it then you've done yourself an injustice.

Mmmmmm, Juicy Fruit.