Yesterday lots of people came to see the blog. That's good to see. As you may or may not know I actually keep track of how many people come to see what I am up to. People seem to like Mike's (& Dave's... our lawyers are working on this dispute) Disco Dryer video. As only a transparent dictator I like to share my census results with my population. Here is the history of the blog from day one of data collection:

As you may notice, yesterday was the most popular day in almost every way. The only stat that did not reach a record high yesderday was the "First time visitors to the site" statistic. We had 24 new visitor yesterday one short of the record 25 new visitors reached on the day one. "First time visitors" can be calculated by subtracting "returning visitors" from "unique visitors".
In related news, the disco dryer can also be used as an air condition in dry heat situations. As humidity levels reach 90-100 levels it will stop functioning as a dryer or air conditioner and merely be an 1960's style disco ball (before the technology had been perfected).
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