Its taken me a few days to sit down and document that fateless afternoon before Nilda, Luciano and I went on that ambitious adventure, but here are some pics and videos to remind me and show you what those events were and how they have helped shape the world as I know it.
This is a picture from a the boat launch on in the southern lagoon facing a highly desirable property:

Here are some tacky garden gnomes protraying the 7 dwarfs. Obviously these are the american version of the Dwarf. You can tell because with the weak Brazilian Dwarf exchange rate there are only 5 of them:

Local tagging:

Sidewalk Ceramics


Trees that (I strongly like to believe) are called the twisted sister. And who (I also like to believe) posses mystical powers, particularly the ability to forecast gum prices at the local gas station. Including brands such as Trident sugar freegum aaaaaaaand Wrigley's Spearmint:

This is the "Corridor of Inevitable Doom":

This is a typical building on this street:

Some nice foliage:

A cozy little shit-pile:

Lets end this session with an educational video about Dogs in Lagoa da Conceicao:
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