Don't have any pictures from lunch but I can guarentee you that it was delicious and all you can eat buffet. BTW, in case I haven't mentioned it, buffets are huge here in Brazil... I'm talking HUGE! Some are all you can eat and others are pay per KG but either way is a good deal. After lunch it was raining something nasty so it was decided that the car battery should die. It did.
Later that night we all went to the party and stayed super late. There are a bunch of pictures of this somewhere but I can't find them anywhere. I'll post later I guess. Here is me and Dhiogo. He drove that night and some of us went to McDonald's that night. One thing that never ceases to amaze me is that no matter where you are in the world; McDees always makes you feel just as sick after you eat it.

The next weekend was just as rainy... I'm not quite sure exactly what I did that weekend but I can guarantee you this Madame: no much. Saturday night we did go to a bowling alley, ate some overpriced food then walked out cause one of the managers was being an ass. We went to the movies instead. Saw the Al Pacino & Robert Dinero movie. Was not bad... a rental. Afterwards we met some other friends who had seen the movie before us but had gone back home to Karaoke. We went and joined in on the Japanese inspired fun. I scored a 78% on a CCR song, an 83% on a duet of "With or Without you" and a whopping 91% on "Hotel California"! Whodathunkit? I'd also like to add a WHOOOOOOAAAAAAA!!! in honor of Al Pacino. Here is "House of Karaoke" (lil reference to the old House of Chung in Ottawa... now Peach Gardens.

Some of you may be axing yourselfs: "Hey, dat deres a preddy sweet house." You'd be absotively correct my slow witted, literacy challenged colleague! The girl who lives there is super nice and apparently a pro tennis player.
Finally, last weekend I went to a B-Day party at the trendiest rock club on the island... close to where I live... naturally. I attract such things. Here is a pic to satisfy your seemingly endless thirst for knowledge in the area of my personal life.

At this point I find it appropriate to inquire: "What is your fascination with my forbidden closet of mystery?"
The next day I went to a search for monkeys with my good friend Alessandro.
And if you must know... YES.. we found the elusive Jade Monkey... it was in the glove compartment. Also the maps and flashlight were there too... but NO.. we didn't take a picture of him... thats just what he would expect us do to...
Here are some more pics from that park where we (for the record) never saw the monkeys ;)

Monkeys where seen here:

Don't fool yourselves! If you think for one minute that the two layers of reenforced steel chain linked fence is keeping me safe at this moment, you'd be dead wrong... you may even be dead. This here is one tough character! This oversized rabbit from Rio is THE Frank "The Armoured Car" Hernandez: The meanest, most bad mannered mini mammal in the park. His fur has fleas the size of medium-to-large fleas!

And in the other corner, "The Alligator with No Conscience Nor Any Known Transmittable Diseases", approved by 4 out of 5 dentist: Ron!

I do have some footage of the a "Battle To The Death" between the 2 behemoths but due to the graphic nature of the footage, the fact my mainstream demographic is still in high-nightmare-occurrence range and to keep those meddling animal rights activists of my case while I am still on probation after that ostrich-quail cock fighting ring stint (god that was a good run while it lasted): I have decided to keep the footage offline. Plus I can't stand to see Alligators get decapitated like that. It's just gross. Damn that Frank is a real fighter. Cost me a fortune! I paid that bastard to take a dive, but Frank dives for nobody... NOBODY! Now I have that shylock The Jade Monkey on my back almost half the time!
Also I went to another rooftop party that night and nothing happened on Sunday, bye.
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