First purpose is a stat update:
As of last week this blog has had over 1300 hits from over 500 different users around the world: You should all be either very proud or very ashamed of yourselves depending on your personal standards. I prefer to remain neutral until I figure out what everyone else is doing. I then plan on jumping onto the most popular bandwagon so long as it meets my highest personal safety standards. I chose my personal safety standards using the bandwagon methodology as well.
Second item of maximum extreme importance:
I have hereby begun my self sabotage attack on none other than myself! The first barrage in my intricate and secretive strategy was today's ambush. By soliciting an alliance with Wagner who I hired as a covert propaganda ninja we managed to stage this photo which should ruin any of the victims professional integrity. This "divide and conquer" approach should cause his colleagues to ostracize him leaving him professionally isolated and vulnerable to the next phase of the strategy: subliminal psychological warfare. Stay tuned.
PS: My motives for this attack have not yet been determined.
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