Hear yea, here yea! I declare this a dual purpose blog entry!
First purpose is a stat update: As of last week this blog has had over 1300 hits from over 500 different users around the world: You should all be either very proud or very ashamed of yourselves depending on your personal standards. I prefer to remain neutral until I figure out what everyone else is doing. I then plan on jumping onto the most popular bandwagon so long as it meets my highest personal safety standards. I chose my personal safety standards using the bandwagon methodology as well.
Second item of maximum extreme importance: I have hereby begun my self sabotage attack on none other than myself! The first barrage in my intricate and secretive strategy was today's ambush. By soliciting an alliance with Wagner who I hired as a covert propaganda ninja we managed to stage this photo which should ruin any of the victims professional integrity. This "divide and conquer" approach should cause his colleagues to ostracize him leaving him professionally isolated and vulnerable to the next phase of the strategy: subliminal psychological warfare. Stay tuned. PS: My motives for this attack have not yet been determined.
As promised, finally took some footage of the famous figueira tree Florianopolis' centro (downtown). I ran out of batteries twice while filming this cause it's so big. Also cause I wasted all my batteries on 7 time F1 Champion Michael Schumacher and his faithful go kart (which died on him during the 2nd heat). Its probably a good thing that I ran out of power cause I probably would have kept walking around that tree in wonderment forever despite my fear of the street toughs who are also attracted to it's aura. My camera would have probably just looooooved that though. You see technically, walking around the tree 3 times with someone, engages you both in instant matrimony without the option for a prenup. That's just what my FujiFilm FinePix s1000 would have wanted. She's been after data bank account since day one. Maxing out my memory cards all the time. Begging me to take her to pictures of fancy restaurants... I am sick and tired of her free-uploading ways. I'm getting rid of her the first indecent pro-photo shoot I get.
Enjoy the video:
Here is a bronze plaque to commemorate the planting of the tree. As the enlightened of you already know; the bronze plaque will soon be accepted as the #1 indicator of historical importance known to man. I'm not sure where I read that but I think it was on a stone plaque somewhere. Anyway please take the time to stare at this picture in frustration. A rough translation conjured up by "google translate" and I is offered below.
Much has been written, in prose and verse, of our traditional fig tree. This majestic lush green canopy gives the "November 15" square more grace and beauty, always keeping it beautiful and splendid!
It was a summer morning, sunny and full of life in the month of February 1891, that the young fig, perhaps twenty years old, was removed from the garden of the matrix, and affectionately replanted here. (a chronical of Tolentino's major Alvaro de Souza)
Some more pics are provided below. The one right under this is going to be my blog header for a while. I took it using my panoramic setting. You like?
I'm gonna start this blog entry with a rhetorical question. You may submit your answers to me via my gmail account.
"Have YOU ever witnessed a go karting race featuring some of the worlds best known leaders like Michael Gorbachev, Barak Obama and Kofi Annan?"
The correct answer is no. I haven't either, but you have to admit that it would be pretty cool. Instead, this weekend, I settled for a go-karting race in Florianopolis which featured NASCAR's Jeff Gordon, F1's Felipe Massa, and his teammate, 7 time Formula 1 Champion Michael Schumacher. Not a bad line up. I mean they are no Jigme Thinley or Ivo Sanader but they do have a modest following in the underground go-karting world.
Anyway, I went on Saturday to see the qualifiers and that was all good and well. Got lots of sun (avoided a burn) and pictures. I ate this cool desert which rivals the Ottawa Beavertail. They are called churros. Churros are basically cylinder shaped pieces of deep fried (corn?) dough, filled with your choice of either caramel, milk chocolate or dark chocolate icing, rolled in cinnamon and sugar. The fact that it is brought to your seat completes the experience. I had 2 of them and immediately called a my gym's 24 hour toll free confession line. Here is an artists rendition of me enjoying one of these Lucifer Snacks TM at... lets say; an international go-karting championship featuring 7 time Formula 1 champion Michael Schumacher.
Sunday was the day of the race. An estimated 12,000 fans. Here are 3 of them: For those interested in reading about the trivial parts of the race such as the outcome feel free to open this link in a new browser. You can read it once your done your second reading my blog. Now getting back to my antics: the race was preluded (thats right... I conjugated it) by some formalities. I YouTubed some video for all to see. Here are the racers lining up for the start of the 1st heat.
Coincidentally, famed tennis star Gustavo Kuerten came walking down the very street that the race was being held on! I took immediate advantage of the situation by filming the event.
Here is a podium shot of the overall winners. Rubens Barrichello is clearly giving me the "stink eye", that SOB bastard! Thinks he can champagne on my parade does he? What does he know anyway?
Post podium, the winners wasted wine as is tradition in the go-karting community. After this video all my pictures and videos are shot through a slightly blurry lens. I blame the media, but some argue that Lucas Di Grassi was the main culprit. Rubens Barrichello was also at the scene of the crime but if anything, the silent Felipe Massa was likely the massa-mind behind it all.
Here are the girls that were so kind as to hold umbrellas and signs for the racers with their names on them so that they remember the correct spelling.
After that shoot was over there was only one thing left to do: meet some local celebrities! Strategically, I decided to start at the municipal level, meeting Florianopolis Mayor Dario Elias Berger. Now if my memory serves him, our conversation went something like this: Mike: Dear good sir Mayor, what a fine event you have provided for your constituency on this day, The Day of The Great Race! Mayor: I could not agree with you more fair and simple peasant. The day was unblemished by any coups at any level of government. Mike: You are correct sir. I would add that accusations of corruption are also at an all time low: a great cause for celebration! Mayor: Another excellent observation kind minion of the land! I share your enthusiasm for our population containment strategies and wish you a long life of devotion to the flag! Be gone! Now I can't remember all the details of the conversation, for example which parts were left in, which ones were left out, which ones were taken in or out of context or which ones were merely slanderous without basis. But if there one thing that I can assure you; its that this conversation may have taken place but it probably didn't.
After that the governor of the state of Santa Catarina had the pleasure of meeting me. Or at least the people around me.
Here are some more amazing pictures highlighting some of 7 time Formula 1 Champion Michael Schumacher's greatest achievements: "Oh! 7 time Formula 1 Champion Michael Schumacher, what great honor won't be bestowed upon you?!"
Also, in an unexpected turn of events, it was declared that I had won the race. I was immediately granted irrevocable knighthood by the 5 richest kings of Brazil, which topped off my day nicely.
In between all the celebrities, action and volcanoes, there were some interludes where the go-karts would drive around the track for extended periods of time, which seemed to distract the crowd enough to avoid an uprising. I have some digital media recordings of that as well which will be saved for another time. It should be noted however that I did see 7 time Formula 1 Champion Michael Schumacher crash a go-kart into a wall of tires bounce off it pulling a fluid 360 and get right back into the race. I only have a short video of me laughing my ass off and then another of him with a bent fender. Again, I'm saving those for a slow news day.
As many of you may or may not be aware I had plans of going to Rio de Janeiro this weekend with Sonia who had been visiting me this past week. We canceled our trip to Rio mainly because of the weather has been so terrible in Rio (although they haven't had the mudslides that our state has). Anywho, I managed to salvage the weekend by taking advantage of some work related extra curricular activities. I have lots to write about so I will start with Firday night then write the rest as I have time.
Replicating an ancient tradition at Stela, we have re-started playing Football on Fridays. Although their version of Football has none of the same rules that we are used to. It resembles something closer to a combination of soccer, theater and pretending to be an airplane.
12 or 13 of us participated and it was a lot of fun. We all met directly after work at the gas station where it is customary for football teams to drink their warm up round of beer before heading to the inside turf field (Similar to hockey "cerveja leagues" in Canada). We divided up some teams and proceeded to the kickoff. They are really terrible at this part and I think that I can really help them on strategy here. Anyway like I said, they pretty much play only with their feet, which is primarily why I draw the comparison to soccer.
I got the ball within about 2 minutes into the game. I ran for about 10 metres and proceeded to fall for no apparent reason. I explained to them that in Canada, when you play with a new group it is proper etiquette to fall flat on your face, (preferably scraping your knee) when first touching the ball. This, I explained is a sign of respect to the other players and their ancestors. I'm pretty sure that they appreciated my gesture and we continued to play but this time with a deeper understanding of our cultural differences.
We played for about an hour after which I was dead. I need to play some hockey to get my "wind" back. This is a good way to do it. Anyway that accounts for my Friday night. I went home and straight to be cause Saturday was a big day and only a lead up for Sunday (lots of video and pictures and celebrities).
There has been WAY to much rain in Southern Brazil recently. I don't have any radio or TV but I hear that some areas are declaring "state of calamity" because of road washouts and stuff. Hasn't affected me except that at work there is no running water. We deal with it.
Many people have asked about my internship here in Brazil. I ended up creating this visual aid to help people understand who is funding me and what the process is. From a high level, this is my understanding:
This Sunday I woke up at about 4:45AM (my neighbors got home early from Floripa's Saturday night party culture), I waited till about 5:20 when my alarm went off then I got dressed, packed my sun lotion and bug spray and headed to the bus stop. The bus packed up pretty quickly as party goers piled in. I arrived at the bus station at 6:40 and got picked up by my trusty friends Nilda and Luciano. We left the city and headed to Luciano's Beach house for hours of fun; fishing for tiny anchovies. Here are some digital memories for you to cherish:
Last Tuesday was my first of many birthday-election-game-party-fun-nights. I turned 27 two weeks late, Obama got elected, the Republican Senators lost in Washington, the Democrat Senators won in Washington and the Ottawa Senators won against Washington in Ottawa. Unfortunately I was in Florianopolis at the time and missed the whole thing.
But luckily Marc was able to complete my clone surrogate stand-in so that I could take in the event. Good hustle Marc!
Here is a picture of my surrogate stand-in enjoying myself at the party. "Take it easy Surrogate Stand-in Mike! ... I have to work in the morning!".
Now I remember the party very well due to the extra effort we put in to develop a ToIP (Telepathy over Internet Protocol) platform so that I could read the mind of my Surrogate using my 10 Mtps (Mega thought per second) high speed connection. Luckily we implemented call waiting so that my surrogate stand-in could simultaneously defeat Viktor Korchnoi in an online chess match without missing a beat. Way to go Surrogate Stand-In Mike! Way to defend Mother Russia against that Western-sympathizing defector! When will they learn?: "The Ukraine not weak; the Ukraine strong! I crush your stupid game!". It should also be noted that "In Soviet Russia, Surrogate Stand-In Mike downloads from you!". (Using the new Telepathy over Internet Protocol)
Anyway, due to the success of ToIP, we are planning a new product which will implement Collective Conscience Conference Calls: Its all part of my Psychic Collaborative Suite set to come out just at the dawn of the age of Aquarius. I hope everyone will be there for the opening... Bring your crystals and dream catchers!
Thanks to everyone who took part in the Birthday Election Game Party Fun Night who, my technology training tells me, includes Pat, Phil, France, Marc, Surrogate Stand-In Mike and possibly a distracted Viktor Korchnoi.
This just in: Additional "generic birthday appreciation thank you" to Sean O'Leary who probably took the picture of us based on the fact that it seems to be taken from a height of about 6'4" plus a chair or so.
So I haven't posted anything for a while, but today I brought my camera to work and decided to download all my pictures from the past few weekends so that I can update everyone on whats been going on. I'll start with a couple weekends ago. This would have been about the weekend of my birthday. Two co-workers of mine graduated from their university program and a bunch of us went to the ceremony, reception lunch, and party that night. Here are some maximum extreme pictures:
Don't have any pictures from lunch but I can guarentee you that it was delicious and all you can eat buffet. BTW, in case I haven't mentioned it, buffets are huge here in Brazil... I'm talking HUGE! Some are all you can eat and others are pay per KG but either way is a good deal. After lunch it was raining something nasty so it was decided that the car battery should die. It did.
Later that night we all went to the party and stayed super late. There are a bunch of pictures of this somewhere but I can't find them anywhere. I'll post later I guess. Here is me and Dhiogo. He drove that night and some of us went to McDonald's that night. One thing that never ceases to amaze me is that no matter where you are in the world; McDees always makes you feel just as sick after you eat it.
The next weekend was just as rainy... I'm not quite sure exactly what I did that weekend but I can guarantee you this Madame: no much. Saturday night we did go to a bowling alley, ate some overpriced food then walked out cause one of the managers was being an ass. We went to the movies instead. Saw the Al Pacino & Robert Dinero movie. Was not bad... a rental. Afterwards we met some other friends who had seen the movie before us but had gone back home to Karaoke. We went and joined in on the Japanese inspired fun. I scored a 78% on a CCR song, an 83% on a duet of "With or Without you" and a whopping 91% on "Hotel California"! Whodathunkit? I'd also like to add a WHOOOOOOAAAAAAA!!! in honor of Al Pacino. Here is "House of Karaoke" (lil reference to the old House of Chung in Ottawa... now Peach Gardens.
Some of you may be axing yourselfs: "Hey, dat deres a preddy sweet house." You'd be absotively correct my slow witted, literacy challenged colleague! The girl who lives there is super nice and apparently a pro tennis player.
Finally, last weekend I went to a B-Day party at the trendiest rock club on the island... close to where I live... naturally. I attract such things. Here is a pic to satisfy your seemingly endless thirst for knowledge in the area of my personal life.
At this point I find it appropriate to inquire: "What is your fascination with my forbidden closet of mystery?" The next day I went to a search for monkeys with my good friend Alessandro. And if you must know... YES.. we found the elusive Jade Monkey... it was in the glove compartment. Also the maps and flashlight were there too... but NO.. we didn't take a picture of him... thats just what he would expect us do to... Here are some more pics from that park where we (for the record) never saw the monkeys ;)
Monkeys where seen here:
Don't fool yourselves! If you think for one minute that the two layers of reenforced steel chain linked fence is keeping me safe at this moment, you'd be dead wrong... you may even be dead. This here is one tough character! This oversized rabbit from Rio is THE Frank "The Armoured Car" Hernandez: The meanest, most bad mannered mini mammal in the park. His fur has fleas the size of medium-to-large fleas!
And in the other corner, "The Alligator with No Conscience Nor Any Known Transmittable Diseases", approved by 4 out of 5 dentist: Ron!
I do have some footage of the a "Battle To The Death" between the 2 behemoths but due to the graphic nature of the footage, the fact my mainstream demographic is still in high-nightmare-occurrence range and to keep those meddling animal rights activists of my case while I am still on probation after that ostrich-quail cock fighting ring stint (god that was a good run while it lasted): I have decided to keep the footage offline. Plus I can't stand to see Alligators get decapitated like that. It's just gross. Damn that Frank is a real fighter. Cost me a fortune! I paid that bastard to take a dive, but Frank dives for nobody... NOBODY! Now I have that shylock The Jade Monkey on my back almost half the time!
Also I went to another rooftop party that night and nothing happened on Sunday, bye.
Wow... in the time it took me to write that last blog the remaining $400 were raised! Good job everyone (knowing full well that nobody even had the chance to give any money)!
Here is a new "Entrepreneur of the week", a term I am considering renaming to something more accurate "Entrepreneur of the micro-minute" due to the speed and competitive nature of philanthropy in the world of Micro-financing.
Happy Halloween, or Hallowe’en... apologies to all you Pagans out there... apologies all 'round!
Here is another follow up to poverty week cause apparently we didn't fix it completely a few weeks ago.
Here is my entrepreneur of the week. Guillermo Espinoza MartÃnez:
"The young man Guillermo Espinoza is married and has the responsibility of supporting his beloved family. His job is selling hardware in the municipality of Ciudad Sandino de Managua. It should be noted that when he began the business five years ago, he was only selling a few products, but as time passed, he succeeded in increasing the stock in the hardware store. Now he wishes to expand it further. He is seeking help from Ceprodel to obtain a loan to be used to buy hardware products and thus improve his business even more."
If you decide to sign up for Kiva, feel free to fund Guillermo and to join my "Sustainable Development Team".
This is a special post to regonize and welcome 2 new visitor to the blog.
First I got hits from Andorra which is a place that I haven't been to ever in my life but that I will likely see at some point since it's right between France and Spain two countries that I have been to many times and that I would revisit in a heartbeat. Next times mysterious Andorra person... next time! Secondly I noticed a hit from South Bend Indiana. Been there 3 times, twice for games and once to visit the Mendoza B-School and MBA admissions officer. I thought it might be one of my cousins who visited the blog while going to a game but I doubt it cause the Fighting Irish were in Chapel Hill this weekend. On that note I would like to congratulate teh Irish so far this season for the big win against Michigan and those Ivey league wannabees at Stanford (I sooooo wish I could could get into that school!). Anyway! Welcome newbees and come again. Tell all your friends if you enjoyed your stay. If you didn't enjoy it then just tell them that you did ;)
Here are some pictures and videos from last weekend and some from longer ago that I haven't had a chance to put up till now.
This first video is from Praia Mole a beach close to my place; one of the nicest in Florianopolis. I have some decent footage of surfing but this one impressed me the most:
This is a picture from last Friday's dinner. We had a Brazilian BBQ. Basically a BBBQ consists of rolling some meat in seasoned sea salt, cooking it over a grill then removing most of the salt. The results are delicious... salty, but delicious. I eat BBBQ twice that week. Once for lunch and once for dinner. The meats vary from pork to beef, chicken and ox. Cuts or types of meat vary too from sausage to ribs to fillet mignon and even chicken heart. Chicken hearts are pretty good but sometimes the arteries are a bit long so you cut them off. The first time I heard of this I laughed my ass off cause you see this whole tray of little hearts and your like "Nahhh, those can't be... what the .. thats a lot of chickens!". Anyway, BBBQs are great and they even have indoor electric grills to do them on. Not the safest but soo good! Beside me in the picture you have Marlon and Gislaine (who may be moving to Ottawa) Luciano and Nilda (who hosted aaaand who you may recognize from previous episodes) .
Here is some food that I bought for R$6. (About $3.30 CDN at todays rate). The cookware and dinnerware behind came up to about $90 in all.
I usually eat lunch with some people from work at a State government building that has a "by the Kilo" cafeteria. On the days that there is something really good I will often pick up an extra helping for dinner. This dinner cost me less than $2.
The price of food in general varies a lot. You can easily pay well over $20CDN for a meal but I avoid those places like the plague. I would go bankrupt in about 45 seconds if I started living that life style. For instance, electronics and automobiles here are not cheap! Everything gets taxed heavily, especially if it was imported.
This frog was tiny. How the hell did it get up to the second floor window; and why was this such a desirable place to go... so much that he went so far out of his way to get there?
Thats all for now. Next post I will try to get some good pics and vids of this tree:
I saw it last weekend but didn't have my camera with me. It's downtown in this magical sweet little inner city park. I'm my favorite place on the island so far. The type of tree is the "Figueira". Fig tree I think. I saw may of them in Spain.
So today is "Blog Action Day". This is a day when bloggers around the world unite-and-write about poverty in order to raise awareness. Personally, I can't say that I an expert in poverty. I've been lucky enough to have never really experienced true poverty. That said, I'll give my two cents anyhow as part of the effort to raise awareness and knowing that two cents given from multiple sources can add up to worthwhile amounts. Which leads us to my first topic: Microfinancing.
I think that Microfinance can be best explained using infomercialism.
Infomercial for Microfinancer-2000-X already in progress :
Mike: "Many of you are saying to yourselves: Hey Mike, I've heard about Microfinancing, but I'm not really sure what it is. Micofinancing is basically the act of lending small amounts of money to the very poor, by institutions other than big banks."
Member of paid audience: "OK Mike, so that's what Microfinancing is, but why is it an important issue in today's turbulent times?"
Me: "Microfinancing is an important issue because it addresses one of the worlds pressing issues: Extreme Poverty. It does this by allowing money to reach entrepreneurs living in poor countries. Microcredits allow the entrepreneurs to start businesses, provide for their families and stimulate the local economy. They can place larger orders and take on larger projects and hire employees. Most importantly they avoid crippling interest rates that can often reach 100% per month in some countries."
Typical sales-person/host who asks basic naive questions: "That's all fair and well Mike, but why don't these entrepreneurs just borrow from banks?"
Me: "That's a fair and non-basic question Rob Lowe. The reason that the people who receive microfinancing cannot borrow from traditional banks is because they often cannot offer anything as collateral (such as a house, a building or title to land) which banks require when lending money. Even if they do have collateral it’s rarely enough to secure a loan large enough to be profitable for a typical bank."
Member of a visible minority: "If banks don't lend out the money then who does?".
Me: "Microfinancors vary from smaller private banks, non-profit groups and even people like you or me. The best part is that loans can come from multiple sources, so the risk is reduced!"
Grandmother: "Microfiancing seems complicated and I probably don't qualify... Not with my medical history."
Mike: "Not true, Microfinancing is easy to do and only takes a few minutes. There are no medical questions and best of all: The premiums never go up!"
Token blond, overly enthusiastic, soccer-mom type lady: "Wow, that sounds great. How can I Microfinance an third world entrepreneur right now?"
Mike: "You help end Extreme Poverty today by going to a site such as http://www.kiva.org/ and lending as little as one easy payment of $100?"
Rob Lowe: "Come on Mike! You can do better than that."
Mike: "All right Rob, how about this. For a limited time you can: Help end extreme poverty, reduce 3rd world dependence on foreign aid and for today only, as part of a special offer, you can also experience a sense of purpose! All for one easy payment of only $25!"
Rob Lowe: "Amazing Mike! Sign me up for Microfinancing today!".
Man that you never see: "Act Now! Dial toll-free http://www.kiva.org/ right now to fight Extreme Poverty. Usually around 90-100% money back guarantee. Shipping and handling charges do not apply. "
So that is microfinancing in a nutshell. Now that I am done promoting debt, it's time to bash it while trying not to sound like a complete hypocrite:
First off, debt is not a bad thing. In fact debt is an essential concept in today’s shaky economy (perhaps not tomorrows). The problem with debt is that it is often associated with interest, often high interest. Interest is a tool that for years has helped the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It’s based on simple math but since people don’t care much for math, they usually get into financial trouble due to interest associated to debt.
If your financial life was a hike along a mountain, debt would be the grass just at the edge of the path that is often safe to step on in order to speed up your pace. However, once in a while, it gives out and sends you on a trip down a slippery slope that you may end up on for the rest of your hike (never reaching the top of the mountain). In this imagery, the Bank would be the hiker ahead of you that recommends that you walk on the grass in order to reach the top faster. They also insist on hold onto your backpack for you.
All that to say that I hate owing or being owed money so I pay things back as soon as I can and avoid borrowing completely. Emotionally I prefer to give something away then to lend it. But that’s just me.
I'll end this post by mentioning the current global economic crisis. There done. I think we hear enough about it from our propaganda machines. As much as I like the topic I’ll stay clear of it today just cause I just had a long talk about it last night with a co-worker and I don’t really want to go down that rabbit hole again. I want to keep this short and just say this: 1) A lot of people and organizations are making money and (more importantly) gaining power over the "Crisis". 2) Usually if you want to find out who is responsible for a problem you simple have to look towards who is profiting from it. 3) The Federal Reserve should be allowed operate in the way it does.
Thats all for my blog today. Thanks for reading and stay tuned to find out about a really cool tree I StumbledUpon in downtown Florianopolis last weekend.
Its taken me a few days to sit down and document that fateless afternoon before Nilda, Luciano and I went on that ambitious adventure, but here are some pics and videos to remind me and show you what those events were and how they have helped shape the world as I know it. This is a picture from a the boat launch on in the southern lagoon facing a highly desirable property:
Here are some tacky garden gnomes protraying the 7 dwarfs. Obviously these are the american version of the Dwarf. You can tell because with the weak Brazilian Dwarf exchange rate there are only 5 of them:
Local tagging: http://lh4.ggpht.com/mike.mcnulty/SO-sr6ht_lI/AAAAAAAAAK8/W_y1hLNDL4E/s576/DSCF0120.jpg
Sidewalk Ceramics
Trees that (I strongly like to believe) are called the twisted sister. And who (I also like to believe) posses mystical powers, particularly the ability to forecast gum prices at the local gas station. Including brands such as Trident sugar freegum aaaaaaaand Wrigley's Spearmint:
This is the "Corridor of Inevitable Doom":
This is a typical building on this street:
Some nice foliage: http://picasaweb.google.com/mike.mcnulty
A cozy little shit-pile:
Lets end this session with an educational video about Dogs in Lagoa da Conceicao:
Some might say that I am a highly intelligent, modest, generous, irresistably good looking, powerful, confident, wise, ruthless and yet a gentle, heroic and thriving young man. Now I would have quite the uphill battle arguing against them, but they would be outright mistaken to leave out my caring and forgiving nature, which is the keystone of the Mike that loved and cherished by us all... not to mention a pillar of modern society, a gentalman and a scholar. I think that I've talked enough about myself for now. What do you have to say about me?
Basically I do things, then I write about them. Other times, I don't do things, then I write about them. I also don't care to make the distinction at the time of writing. Read at own peril.
"If it ain't broke, your not putting enough bicep into it." - Mike McNulty